May 15: Support for GraphRAG, OpenAI GPT-4o model, performance improvements and bug fixes

New Features

  • Added graph to promptConversation response, so you can visualize or leverage the nodes and edges of the knowledge graph, resulting from the content retrieval. For example, if a Person and Organization were observed in the cited content sources used by the RAG pipeline, you will get back those entities and their relationship (such as Person 'works-for' Organization).

  • Expanded the enriched data from WIkipedia to include the long description of an entity.

  • Added getSharePointLibraries, getSharePointFolders, and getOneDriveFolders queries to the API, which can be used to enumerate the storage services. This makes locating the SharePoint libraryId easier, for example.

  • Added getTeams and getTeamsChannels queries to the API for enumerating Microsoft Teams workspaces.

  • Added extractedCount to the entity extraction connector to limit the number of extracted entities, per entity type. I.e. if extracted count is 10, it will extract at most ten each of Persons, Organizations, etc.

Bugs Fixed

  • GPLA-2652: Not extracting text from HTML in RSS post

  • GPLA-2627: Limit filter only returning half the results

  • GPLA-2613: Not properly extracting structured text from JSON/XML formats

Last updated