March 23: Support for Linear, GitHub Issues and Jira issue feeds, ingest files via Web feed sitemap

New Features

  • 💡 Graphlit now supports Linear, GitHub Issues and Atlassian Jira feeds. Graphlit will ingest issues (aka tasks, stories) from these issue-tracking services as individual content items, which will be made searchable and conversational.

  • 💡 Added support for ISSUEcontent type, which includes metadata such as title, authors, commenters, status, type, project and team.

  • 💡 Added support for default feed read limit. Now, if you don't specify the readLimit property on feeds, it will default to reading 100 content items. You can override this default by assigning a custom read limit, which has no upper bounds. However, one-shot feeds much complete within 15 minutes, or they will be stopped automatically.

  • Added support for ingesting files referenced in a Web sitemap. Previously any files (i.e. PDF, MP3) referenced in a sitemap.xml would be ignored. Now you can optionally enable includeFiles in the WebFeedPropertiesInput object to have Graphlit ingest non-HTML pages as part of the Web feed.

Bugs Fixed

  • GPLA-2374: Failed to ingest MP4 with large XMP metadata.

Last updated