February 2: Support for Semantic Alerts, OpenAI 0125 models, performance enhancements, bug fixes

New Features

  • 💡 Graphlit now supports Semantic Alerts, which allows for LLM summarization and publishing of content, on a periodic basis. This is useful for generating daily reports from email, Slack or other time-based feeds. Alerts support the same publishing options, i.e. audio and text, as the publishContents mutation.

  • 💡 Graphlit now supports the latest OpenAI 0125 model versions, for GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 Turbo. We will add support for Azure OpenAI when Microsoft releases support for these.

  • Slack feeds now support a listing type field, where you can specify if you want PAST or NEW Slack messages in the feed.

  • 🔥 This release provides many performance enhancements, which will speed up the content workflows for ingested content.

Bugs Fixed

  • GPLA-2114: Collections not being added to text embedding index documents.

  • GPLA-2063: Not handling hallucinated citations.

  • GPLA-1916: Collections not inherited from project-scope into tenant-scope.

  • GPLA-2105: Should error on add/remove of contents to/from collections if content does not exist.

Last updated