August 20: Support for medical entities, Anthropic prompt caching, bug fixes

New Features

  • 💡 Graphlit now supports the extraction of medical-related entities: MedicalStudy, MedicalCondition, MedicalGuideline, MedicalDrug, MedicalDrugClass, MedicalIndication, MedicalContraindication, MedicalTest, MedicalDevice, MedicalTherapy, and MedicalProcedure.

  • 💡 Graphlit now supports medical-related entities in GraphRAG, and via API for queries and mutations.

  • Added support for Anthropic prompt caching. When using Anthropic Sonnet 3.5 or Haiku 3, Anthropic will now cache the entity extraction and LLM document preparation system prompts, which saves on token cost and increases performance.

Bugs Fixed

  • GPLA-3104: Should default search type to VECTOR, when performing entity similarity filter.

  • GPLA-3112: Empty PDF fails entity extraction.

Last updated